Thursday, 20 February 2014

Running Scripts From Within Windows PowerShell

Let’s start with running scripts from within Windows PowerShell itself. (Which, truth be told, is probably the most common way to run Windows PowerShell scripts.) Why do you get weird error messages when you try to run a script? That’s easy. The security settings built into Windows PowerShell include something called the “execution policy;” the execution policy determines how (or if) PowerShell runs scripts. By default, PowerShell’s execution policy is set to Restricted; that means that scripts - including those you write yourself - won’t run. Period.
Note. You can verify the settings for your execution policy by typing the following at the PowerShell command prompt and then pressing ENTER:

Now, admittedly, this might seem a bit severe. After all, what’s the point of having a scripting environment if you can’t even run scripts with it? But that’s OK. If you don’t like the default execution policy (and you probably won’t) then just go ahead and change it. For example, suppose you want to configure PowerShell to run - without question - any scripts that you write yourself, but to run scripts downloaded from the Internet only if those scripts have been signed by a trusted publisher. In that case, use this command to set your execution policy to RemoteSigned:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Alternatively, you can set the execution policy to AllSigned (all scripts, including those you write yourself, must be signed by a trusted publisher) or Unrestricted (all scripts will run, regardless of where they come from and whether or not they’ve been signed).
See? No need to need to panic at all, is there?
Note. Not sure what we mean by “signing scripts?” Then open up PowerShell, type the following, and press ENTER:
Get-Help About_Signing

Or, even better, download our Windows PowerShell Graphical Help File and read the same topic in standard Windows help format.
After you change your execution policy settings it’s possible to run scripts. However, you still might run into problems. For example, suppose you change directories from your Windows PowerShell home directory to C:\Scripts (something you can do by typing cd C:\Scripts). As it turns out, the C:\Scripts folder contains a script named Test.ps1. With that in mind you type the following and the press ENTER:

And here’s the response you get:
The term 'test.ps1' is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file. Verify the term and try again.
At line:1 char:7
+ test.ps1 <<<<

We know what you’re thinking: didn’t we just change the execution policy? Yes, we did. However, this has nothing to do with the execution policy. Instead, it has to do with the way that PowerShell handles file paths. In general, you need to type the complete file path in order to run a script. That’s true regardless of your location within the file system. It doesn’t matter if you’re in C:\Scripts; you still need to type the following:

Now, we said “in general” because there are a couple of exceptions to this rule. For example, if the script happens to live in the current directory you can start it up using the .\ notation, like so:

Note. There’s no space between the .\ and the script name.
And while PowerShell won’t search the current directory for scripts it will search all of the folders found in your Windows PATH environment variable. What does that mean? That means that if the folder C:\Scripts is in your path then you can run the script using this command:

But be careful here. Suppose C:\Scripts is not in your Windows path. However, suppose the folder D:\Archive is in the path, and that folder also contains a script named Test.ps1. If you’re in the C:\Scripts directory and you simply type Test.ps1 and press ENTER, guess which script will run? You got it: PowerShell won’t run the script in C:\Scripts, but it will run the script found in D:\Archive. That’s because D:\Archive is in your path.
Just something to keep in mind.

Note. Just for the heck of it, here’s a command that retrieves your Windows PATH environment variable and displays it in a readable fashion:
$a = $env:path; $a.Split(";")


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