Thursday 20 February 2014

Tools to help your SharePoint development activities…

CKS: Community Kit for SharePoint: Development Tools Edition
This is the greatest compilation of add-ons to Visual Studio. This is a must! (You need to select the appropriate version for you, either Foundation or Server, before you can see the download option. Some users have a hard time to find the link because they go directly to the downloads tab and it is empty)

Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools
You will find some extra templates, including the one to create Sandboxed visual webparts.

Silverlight SharePoint Web Parts
An extension for adding Silverlight web parts to SharePoint features.
Microsoft patterns & practices: Developing Applications for SharePoint 2010
This guidance provides a deep technical insight into the key concepts and issues for SharePoint 2010 solution developers.

SharePoint Manager 2010
It is a very useful tool to check interesting things, like internal names for Site Columns, and a lot more, via a tree view control. It enables you to browse every site on the local farm and view every property. It also enables you to change the properties.

ULS Viewer
There are other ways to log errors from code, if you do the code yourself, but sometimes there is no other way, to check what might be wrong with a SharePoint installation, than to dive into the SharePoint LOGS. This tool is the best way to make some sense of it and filter by the recurrent Correlation ID that appears with “Unexpected errors”.

PowerGUI Powershell Editor
This community tool is updated regularly adding new functionality with each new release. It is a free graphical user interface and script editor for Microsoft Windows PowerShell!

This is not entirely related to SharePoint development, but more of a generic .Net developer productivity booster. It is not a free tool but it is not expensive either. So, if you are a “hard coder”, or SharePoint dev Ninja, you will see what I mean by “productivity booster”. The last version of this tool also includes a de-compiler.

I already talked about this one on my previous post. Better CAML intellisense than the one provided out of the box.


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